Sunday, February 1, 2015

I remember

I remember when I was a kid I would hide little objects places where no one would know where they were except me. I did this so one day ill go back and find them, and see if my hiding place was good enough.

 Am I the only one that would sit in their room and clench their teeth so hard that I nearly farted trying to find out if i had super powers? After many attempts I found out I don't. 

I remember getting laundry baskets and putting them together and pretending like I was driving a train. I would always be in the back with my brother in the front. 

I remember getting in fights with my brother on who was right and who was wrong. My face would always turn so red as i screamed the dumbest things at him. 

I remember spilling a whole two quarts of lemonade all over the table and getting yelled at so i ran away. I don't think I even lasted  thirty minutes. Came home and made new lemonade and was perfectly fine. 

I remember putting myself to sleep with the corner of my blanket. I still have that blanket. Does is make me childish to still have it with me on my bed? I don't think so. My blanket is like a life line to my childhood. Just because its lame to still have it, doesn't mean i'm going to just throw it out? If my house was burning down and i could only save one thing it would be my blanket. 

 I remember having my mom pick me up from school every day, have sandwich waiting for me at home, and my favorite TV show on. The one with the toads? Ya i have no idea what the name of it is. Which is sad. 

 I remember graduating elementary school, middle school, and now high school. I hope I never forget my childhood because who doesn't like nap time? and snack time? and coloring time? I know I do. 

I remember formulas, facts, and functions now. It's like all these equations and problems are taking up to much space and are pushing my childhood memories into extinction. I just cant wait to get out of high school and become a little kid again. Life was just so much more simple. Im not saying life after high school is going to be easy like being a kid again. Im just saying that there wont be anyone stopping me from making my own future to remember.  

Drawing my own picture. 


  1. I love how simple your topic is...makes me think of how forgetful I can be

  2. That part about the toads.
