I still haven't figured out why everyone keeps telling me to run. I wish I was good at running. Im actually really slow. I don't even know how to run. I run like I write. connection? Yes.
If you aren't good at running you get fat. And fat is bad so does me not knowing how to write creatively mean that my writing is bad?
Then you add this random box of chocolates. Now i'm obese. Great, I'm screwed.
I have no idea what i'm talking about.
I have no idea what i'm talking about.
I havent even seen the movie Forrest Gump.
Forrest Gump? Who's that.
HA. Just a pen name for this blog. We all have one. So we can hide and write really inspirational stuff that would be embarrassing if people knew who we where saying it.
Which is contradicting because when someone does write something really good no one knows who wrote it.
I wanna be one of those kids that can write really deep hidden meaning stuff, stuff that makes people be like, wow.
Thats obviously not gunna happen...
because i realize wait i'm fat, and have a box of chocolates.
and suck at writing, which then makes me a tourist.
Dont tourist walk a lot though?
Walking burns calories. Which makes you less fat.
Gotta start somewhere Right?
So i guess keep telling me to run.
So maybe one day i will.